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Healing Your Inner Child – with Katie DeJong’s ‘Conversations That Matter’

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You know what steals your life spirit? The stuff that lives in your unexplored blind spots, controlling your life from the shadows, like a frightened child screaming for attention and safety. These unhealed or unacknowledged events, wounds or traumas from earlier life experiences are stuck in your energy system. You likely suffer when something in your current life triggers an old unresolved memory, activating that energy as if it’s happening to you again right now. Over time this can cause exponential suffering and struggle in life, and even lead to active addictions as a way to numb or disassociate from the pain that continues to haunt you. 

It takes courage and (self) compassion to begin the journey back to wholeness – to turn within and identify the originating incidents and wounding that cause you this suffering. And then to listen, see, validate and hold these younger versions of yourself that had these experiences. It is possible to heal and to learn to thrive in life, and it doesn’t have to take a lifetime. 

I’ve been swapping energy clearing work for business coaching with a beloved friend of mine, Katie DeJong. Katie is also a Life Coach, and a Personal & Professional Freedom Mentor. She has quite a story of her own path to personal and professional freedom, which you can read about HERE. Katie and I met about 5 years ago in a beautiful live online course called Feminine Power, led by Claire Zammit. Along with another wonderful woman we both met, Sofia, the three of us have formed a triad of personal support. We are not just friends, we are evolutionary partners, committed to serving each other’s healing, growth and highest good. Although Katie lives in Australia, Sofia in Italy and I live in New Jersey, USA – we connect regularly and are living proof that friendship is not limited by time and space! Neither is healing your wounded younger self. 

The sessions I’ve been doing with Katie have been what I call – Inner Child Integration. In this 47-minute video conversation, I explain what this simple but powerful healing is about, how it works and what it makes possible for you and your life. I hope you will watch the video and consider what your own inner child may be needing from you.

I especially love doing this energy work with artists because our inner child holds our creative power. When we feel connected with our healthy younger selves, we become prolific conscious creators.  

Here is what Katie had to say about the topic:

Welcome to our CONVERSATIONS THAT MATTER #04 with the lovely Deb Chamberlin at The Awakened Artist!
Do you ever wish you could feel more peaceful?
Do you wish you could get less hurt by the people or events in your life?
Do you wonder why you keep experiencing similar patterns in relationships or situations that keep repeating over and over again?
Do you want to find a way to peacefully navigate life’s ups and downs…?
If that sounds like you then you’ll need to listen to this conversation! Deb and I discuss the powerful technique of INNER CHILD WORK for helping you heal and find peace and wholeness.
Did you know that when you experience a traumatic or painful event, your energy literally gets frozen in time and it can’t flow freely from that point onwards? And you will then always attract situations that remind you of the original wound because your energy field is seeking resolution and healing. It’s like a mirror reflecting back to you where you’re no longer ‘whole’. The Inner Child technique that we discuss does exactly the healing that’s required. It’s very powerful.
Deb has been guiding me through a series of energetic healing sessions in recent months and her techniques are truly powerful. She and I will be discussing the technique she uses to drastically shift your relationships and levels of inner peace. On my own spiritual journey over the past 10-15 years, inner child work has hands-down been the most powerful way I’ve been able to shift my biggest challenges.
Listen in to find out more about this work and how it has the potential to drastically shift your life for the better.

To learn more about Katie DeJong and her personal and professional coaching work, please visit KatieDeJong.com or email her at Katie@katiedejong.com.

If you would like to set up a private coaching session for an Inner Child Integration and energy clearing, please visit TheAwakenedArtist.net/coachingThese sessions are gentle, safe and truly transcendent. 

And here are 2 very compelling posts that support the power of doing Inner Child Integration work: 

The Silence: The Legacy of Childhood Trauma – By Junot Diaz, published in The New Yorker 

We Remain Stuck At The Age When We Received The Least Of Love – published by Conscious Reminder


© 2018 Deb Chamberlin