Living AwakeOur Offerings

Colbert on Connection & Community

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I was recently inspired by an interview Oprah did with Stephen Colbert on her Super Soul Sunday show. Stephen talks about what motivates him to do what he does, night after night. He may be a silly boy, but the compassionate, deep thinker in him is what I find so compelling.

He tells Oprah, “To do a daily show, you’ve got to care about…what you’re talking about…We’re living in consequential times…It actually fires you up because you want to talk about it!” 

I love what Colbert shares about his main creative intention – to establish a sense of CONNECTION and COMMUNITY in this fast-changing (lonely) world, through his nightly show.

He acknowledges that the comedy he creates is for a specific audience of people who appreciate, and perhaps share, similar ways of thinking. He purposely talks about current events and topics in a way that helps others think about things in a lighter context – so that they can release any fearful feelings they’re holding around those topics before drifting off to sleep.

He tells Oprah, “Jokes are opinions… We want to be a catalyst to what they’ve been thinking all day, and we go, ‘Hey, we’ve been thinking about that too. Here’s what WE think’ …We kind of present their day back to them with some jokes. It makes that day better…I love doing the show for the audience… I’m there to influence how they FEEL. I’m telling them how I think and I’m getting a laugh out of them. I want to make them feel better… To help make the audience not be afraid…’cause then they’ll know what they actually think…because when you’re afraid, you can’t think! Fear…is the mind killer… but if you’re laughing, you can’t be afraid…So if you laugh, I know you can think. I’m here to help you think about what happened today by making you laugh… 

“You want to have a sense of community with the audience…more than anything else… We want to tell jokes and thereby build a community of people who can all share their feelings with each other… You don’t want to be alone…What we’re really trying to do is just establish a sense of CONNECTION and COMMUNITY – to say to the people out there… ‘Hey, that thing you’re thinking… you’re not crazy to think it… don’t let people tell you that the world is not the way you perceive it, because there are objective truths’ … So, the sense of community is – you’re NOT crazy! What you think is happening, IS!”

Colbert takes a bold and courageous stand with his comedy. Sharing his personal truths, he seeks to be a public voice for folks who may share his thoughts and opinions about the day’s events. Through his unwavering commitment to expressing his raw feelings about social justice and simple human decency, and in such an entertaining and relatable style, he has developed a deeply loyal following. Colbert’s tribe understands his cutting humor and trusts his deeper intentions behind the sarcasm. They know where he stands, what he values, and that he will go out on the farthest limb to be that bold voice for his community. His platform provides a way for like-minded citizens to connect and discern for themselves what to prioritize with their attention – as we all seek to advance our society in positive ways. That’s a tall order, and Colbert cooks it up and delivers it in digestible servings, night after night, keeping his community nourished and engaged.

This is what every artist is seeking – to create their own sense of connection and community out in the world, using their own unique creative voice as the catalyst.

People do tend to feel alone in this over-worked, cyber-distracted and politically divisive world. TV shows like This Is Us, songs like Rachel Platten’s Fight Song, films like Black Panther (2018) … these are all compelling invitations to feel our true feelings, to connect as human beings, to discover our sense of commune-ity.  

Creating a following, your own unique community, is not validation of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ artistry. Striving for perfection as an artist is a worthy, albeit elusive goal. What seems most productive for the artist to get their work out into the world is to find and clarify your own unique voice, to share that boldly with others, and then stay true to being that voice for your growing community of fans. Nurture that connection between you and your authentic voice (stay awake and inspired), you and your fans (keep showing up), as well as within the community of your followers. How do you do that?

Care about how they feel… and help them feel better through what you create.  

As you serve this intention, your offerings will take on a life of their own and will organically build momentum. And remember…

What you seek is seeking you. Find and then serve your Tribe – they’re waiting for you!

And be sure to watch the full video of Oprah and Stephen Colbert!

If you want support in finding or clarifying your unique creative voice and deepening your connection with it – consider doing The Awakened Artist Course – an intimate deep dive into the limitless source of your own creative power. 


© 2018 Deb Chamberlin