
This is how we matter.

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I co-founded & co-directed a non-profit for teens for 9 years, here in Southern New Jersey – which gave young people a safe platform to use their creative self-expression as a way to make a positive impact in the world. This multi award-winning music video is one example of what the Changing Our World (COW) Project created. (Read more about COW here. )

I’m still in touch with members of COW … now in their mid 20’s to 30’s. People I might not otherwise know. But our connection is deep and beyond words. We share an awareness – of what’s possible when we express who we are in authentic and powerful ways … from experiencing over and over – YOU matter. I matter. WE matter. 

But what exactly does that mean?? HOW do we matter?

This isn’t just a cliche. It’s science. Everything in this world, whether seen or unseen, at its core, is made of pure energy.  And, we each have our own energy field, unique to us – like our thumb print and our DNA. Yet, like individual drops of water that comprise the ocean, we are all part of one unified energy field,  which vibrates and affects us collectively. In a similar way that a fetus is affected by everything that affects its mother’s body, through the umbilical cord – everything we think, choose, say or do impacts the entire unified field …  in either a positive, negative or neutral way. 

Think about the things people have said (or didn’t say) to you recently. Things they said without much thought – or – after much thought. Notice how that impacted you. Did you feel better? Worse? Indifferent? Or maybe someone’s mere presence made a difference. Just walking into the room or being physically near you, or giving a gentle touch or a hug, or a look you both exchanged. Either positively or negatively. This is the connection of energy, being mutually sent and received. 

Many years ago in college, while standing in the cafeteria lunch line, the boyfriend of a dear friend of mine was looking stressed and we started talking. He was about to graduate (a couple years ahead of his girlfriend) and return home, to where he had another girlfriend waiting for him to propose! She knew nothing about the college girlfriend, who he had fallen deeply in love with. They were such great people, and he was heavy with guilt about the situation. He asked me what he should do! No expert on relationships myself, all I could offer was, “Whatever you choose, make sure when you reach the end of your life, you can look back without regret.” And that was that. Then, about 10-15 years later, my phone rang. He had tracked me down, back in the days of the white pages and 411. His wife spoke first. Yes! It was his college girlfriend – and she was thanking me for saying that one sentence to him in the cafeteria line. That was what caused him to break up with his girlfriend back home, and marry the love of his life! 

Even the conversations you carry on inside your own head have a strong impact on your energy … and then you vibrate that energy out into the world around you. Either consciously or unconsciously, you’re contributing positively or negatively to the collective field and the people in your life. SO – why would you want to let yourself dwell on energy that brings you or others down

Many of us don’t even realize we are doing this!

We are conditioned by the way we think and feel things … and we have normalized it. And then we can’t figure out why life keeps showing up around us the way it does … or why people continue to try and control us and our own choices in life and in the world. We keep asking WHY?!? It’s complex – but – essentially, it’s simple. 

We are all connected – yet – we keep living as if we are separate and unaffected by the world around us. 

What you think, choose, say and do not only affects you! It has a natural ripple effect. This is what Mahatma Gandhi meant when he said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Be the change, the love, the compassion, the forgiveness, the courage, the strength, the inclusivity, the leadership, the peace, the connection, the friendship… you wish to see in the world. 

STOP believing you don’t matter. YOU DO! From here and only here, you can make powerful choices. You can absolutely change the way you experience your life. And that will spiral out in ways you cannot imagine or measure. 

If you’re a teenager or you know a teenager – invite them to join my 2022 Summer TEEN Support Circle.

We are meeting for 5 Mondays (from 7 – 8:30 pm, Eastern time zone USA) on ZOOM. May 23, June 13 & 27, July 11 & 25. All sessions are recorded in case you miss some or all. We will be having conversations about what really matters in life, and getting more used to being heard & seen & known…as they experience being valued for being authentic & true to themselves. We’ll explore what trauma is, and practice some simple tools for getting grounded when they feel triggered. We’ll learn how to identify feelings and needs and how to make effective requests to meet their own needs. And much more! It’s super affordable! Give the gift of connection and support to a teen you love this summer! Visit the home page of The Awakened Artist website or message me for more details.