Living AwakeOur Offerings

What is a CREATIVE?

I’ve seen this word used by a lot of people. I assume most know what it means when they see it too. But I want to elaborate on what this word means to me.

A creative is someone who, instead of reacting to a situation or condition in life, sees possibility in the reality. Seeds of some other potential. Opportunity for something else, something more, to arise.

Hearing a song in the silence.

Seeing beauty in the mundane.

Feeling the holiness in the utter despair.

In a world that is crumbling apart, where what was once solid ground now caves under our feet, with no grab bars or safety nets to rescue us from our tumble.

In a world that feels harsher and more polarized by the day, with no common ground in the middle… creatives somehow seed and sow new fields of hope. “If you build it, he will come,” is the mantra of the creative’s soul.

A creative lives

with a courageous, curious and (often) unspoken faith in the pure possibility of life itself. The thought that, somehow, our lives are worth living. Whether we are climbing to the mountaintop, or crawling through the burning, barren valley. For creatives, there is a driving sense of wonder…what might be possible if I take yet one more step into the unknown…


What makes someone a creative?

Is this an exclusive quality? I think not. Though some people may be more naturally tuned to this orientation for living. I believe that to be human is to be a creative. The deciding factor is… do we orient our lives around this choice, be it consciously or instinctively?

Whether someone’s nature is soft and tender-hearted like a delicate butterfly or newborn baby – or – they’re a fierce and lion-hearted warrior and protector, I believe that what drives every creative is their unbreakable empathy and compassion for the dignity of the human spirit, the sacred soul of life itself. Creatives have a kind of superpower, an x-ray vision and willingness to see through the outer wrappings and into the heart of the matter – which can often require a deep dive into the very heart of darkness.

This takes a clarity of focus,

to submerge into the depths of one’s despair and swim down into the cold and dark waters, while feeling for the drain plug. Until, at last breath, it is found and pulled. And as the darkness empties itself to the light of truth, our lungs are once again free to breathe the holy air. Our life spirit is renewed. 

Creatives are willing to swim in the deep end of the pool. In the universal intimacy of life.


This is an act of radical empathy and compassion. But I emphasize, these abilities are not exclusive to Hollywood elites or Hall-of-Famers. No. These superpowers are the birthright of every soul born into this earthly world.

Whether you hold a brush to a canvas.

Whether you’ve got the moves like Jagger.

Whether your words ever make a best-seller list.

Whether living unhoused or overlooking Central Park South.

Each one of us has the innate ability to create … the experiences and the life we deeply value and aspire to living. No matter what or how long it takes.

The time is NOW for Creatives!

For thousands of years our survival has been our driving force. Fight or flight. Escape the predator. Protect our own.

But it’s now 2023.

The only predators we actually face in this modern world are the ones we have labeled and normalized as such (& continue to do).

Every life is holy. Words will never explain this adequately.

It must be felt. We must allow this awareness to permeate our minds, our hearts, our souls.

Empathy is a superpower, not a weakness. Awareness, understanding and experience lead to wisdom and mastery. It takes time to learn and grow, through many failed attempts at creating.

Artists are forever re-writing, re-arranging, re-constructing. The creative process is not a one-and-done. It’s a way of orienting and living in this world. And it’s the only way our lives and this world will continue to evolve.

It’s never too late to

Awaken to the Creative within

Remove the tourniquet from around your heart. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. To want what you want.

Your own life is holy. But you are the one who must remember this. And if you forget…just look around you. Creatives are everywhere.



©2022 Deb Chamberlin