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About The Awakened Artist Blog


to my safe place… where I share some of my more intimate experiences of being someone committed to awakening. In all honesty, it’s not easy for me to publicly broadcast these deeper, sometimes darker, parts of myself. But I am committed to supporting others in moving from a life of surviving into a life of thriving… and so if I’m not willing to let my own guard down, how can I expect you to?  So – make yourself as comfortable as you can, and when you’re ready, I hope you’ll jump into the water with me…if you feel so inspired.

I truly believe that an awakened life is ultimately much easier, more enriching and soul-fulfilling than a life lived half-asleep.

A singer, songwriter, voice teacher and life coach for over 30 years – I’ve worked with all kinds of gifted artists and creative spirits. Consistently I have found that we are more sensitive and empathic by nature than we may even realize ourselves. This is what enables us to create profound and meaningful art – and it’s also what can often make us feel too heavy or off-center to create anything at all.

I had my own inner Armageddon halfway through my junior year at a music conservatory, where I majored in musical theater. In one weekend I lost the 2 things that mattered most to me, when my boyfriend of two years broke up with me and I received orders from a top NYC voice doc to take 6 months of vocal rest after some diagnosed voice issues.

I chose instead to run off and join the circus – literally. Following 2 years as a Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey showgirl, dancing and hanging upside down 25 feet in the air from a rope, I eventually migrated to New York City to pick up the unfinished pieces of my life – where I embarked on an unplanned inner journey… which has brought me into more heart-centered, soul-aligned living.

Healing my voice required healing my soul.

Less drawn to the traditional Western approaches, I followed a mostly alternative and shamanic path. Through recovering my own sense of well-being, wholeness and creativity, I was naturally inspired to share this path with the many beautiful artists I have worked with through the years.

It was all leading me to this place – the space in myself where The Awakened Artist was born. A space in the world for a global community of loving conscious creators to connect and collaborate. Here, I offer private coaching and an online 6-lesson course (offered in person and on zoom) which support artists and creatives in their own process of awakening and personal energy healing. And from anywhere in the world, you can connect with us for support live ( for FREE! ) twice a month during our community circle zooms, and 24/7 in our private Facebook group. This is where we are co-creating ‘the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible’ – as Charles Eisenstein so brilliantly named it.

Life hasn’t turned out how I thought it would…but I am not disappointed. There is something bigger that calls me… a vision more important than my own existence… and I hope that you, too, will be inspired to come along for a bit… 

What I love…

I learn and grow the most when I am inspired. And what inspires me most are real life stories of people who have defied the odds, who dare to drop their walls and who are committed to breaking their own inner glass ceilings as they pursue living their heart’s desires. As a kid, my favorite books were biographies and autobiographies. I would devour them. I love learning about people, to get inside their world and to understand what makes them who and how they are. And to witness them discovering their own greatest gifts.

So, using myself as the guinea pig, much of what I share here with you in my posts is about my own inner process of healing and awakening. And occasionally, other fellow awakeners who are generous enough to share their stories with us in this intimate way.

I would love to inspire you to look within, to see what you can awaken to in your own heart, mind and spirit, as you relate with these stories. It takes as much courage to look at ourselves, as it does to reveal ourselves to the world. Maybe even more. 

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Thanks so much! And if you want to get more connected – join us in our private Awakened Artist Community Facebook group 

The Awakened Artist Logo by Nicole Dobbins